
Favorite Thing Thursday: Rockin' Robyn

It's Thursday! So I wanted to share one of my favorite things. And if you've been reading my blog for awhile, then you've already figured this one out :)


She is a spicy Swedish meatball. She is a pint-sized MEGA force. She has a sweet little voice with a deadly punch to it.

She is one of my favorite musical artists.

I first heard Robyn in the mid-90s, with her first hit, "Show Me Love." Remember that one?

After the blurry tornado of 90s pop finally fizzled out, I thought Robyn had too. She was an afterthought to me, until I was reading People and I stumbled upon an album review for none other than Robyn! It had given the album 4 stars, the best rating, so I knew I had to check it out.

Once I did, I was blown away!!!! Was this the same sweet, poppy Robyn making fierce new dance tracks, even rapping on a few? Oh yes. It was. Once I heard the smashing, "With Every Heartbeat," I knew I had found a musical love of mine.

Ever since then, I have been hooked.

By the time 2010 rolled around, I was ecstatic to hear that Robyn would be releasing THREE WHOLE ALBUMS in the same year. THREE.

She's already released two, and they are the Body Talk series. She's finally gaining popularity in the States again, and deserves to steal some of the attention away from overplayed Lady Gaga songs. (and I enjoy Lady Gaga, but not every 5 seconds on the radio!).

I've seen her in concert (even held her hand from the stage), bought her albums, and I will forever love and support this pretty little Swedish pop powerhouse, with every heartbeat...

P.S. Robyn is performing at the VMAS on Sunday. Get it girl!