
Conclusions, Inspired By This Week

I'm on my second cup of coffee today...weeeeeee!!!! And we all know that coffee brings out our highly intellectual side (smart people are always hanging around in coffee shops, right?). So here are the concluding thoughts to my week:

  • I was brave for opening up to a guy for the first time in a long time...and when I say a long time, I mean years.
  • I was braver for telling him to hit the road when he was trying to manipulate me into doing exactly what he wanted...jerk. face.
  • I am PROUD of myself for making actual deadlines for a Turkey departure...think end of February, early March. NO LATER.
  • All of these things combined have made this one super week in which I've realized my worth and uniqueness.
  • Dancing around your room to "Dancing Queen" is a fantastic way to symbolically celebrate said worth and overall badass-ness.
  • All failures in life encourage self-evaluation. This makes me welcome failures with open arms.
  • Settling for someone else's demands is never an option. Don't even make it an option. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF.

Don't know why I had this much fun taking pictures with a tiny fuse bead heart :P


  1. Yes, yes, yes, exactly!

    Good for standing up for yourself! Don't take any shit from anybody!

  2. What Anthony said. And also, "Dancing Queen" is both solution to and celebration for most things!

  3. Oh, gosh! I love this Ashley! This is so amazing and I love it. You are so worth it! :)

  4. YES! Also hopefully that means you're in town when I am <3

    Jax x

  5. Okay. First of all...

    A) good for you.

    B) the last picture of you and the heart is my favorite, and should promptly be made a profile picture.

    C) YOU CAN'T LEAVE BEFORE EITHER OF OUR BIRTHDAYS! I won't stand for it. You can leave after yours whenever you please. :)

  6. Those are cute pictures, Ashley. I like the little heart.

    And, to echo everyone else's sentiments -- good for you!


  7. you are fabulous. the end.

  8. swing by switzerland if you want!

  9. oh ashley, Im sorry it didnt work out. but you seem to be energized for the future. proud of you for not compromising anything about yourself, while at the same time not holding yourself back from experience. :)

  10. I'm thinking that heart must be made from 50 hits of Ecstasy, no?

  11. what fun.

    and you're beautiful. :)

  12. AshleyPower™! But you are completely right. I've been known to crank Dancing Queen to 11 and celebrate my badassedness. It makes me feel all John McClane inside.
