
Favorite Thing Thursday: Gettin' a Haircut

Got my hair "did" last Saturday. I adore haircuts. Getting a haircut is like a therapy session--you're physically cutting off frayed, distressed ends, like a cleansing of sorts. I always have to fight the urge to chop my hair super short, because for once I've been growing it out! But I am DEFINITELY not one of those chicks that gets attached to their hair, or that cries over a slightly bad haircut.

Hair grows, life goes on, and then you can get a new cut. Almost like a new start.


  1. oh i love it! your eyes look so blue! and that necklace you're rocking looks neat!

  2. thank you :) the necklace is turned the wrong way...it's an evil eye.

  3. i need one soooooo bad. you are lookin hawt!!

  4. Hey, nice look! I notice you've gone brunette, too. I like the changing styles. I remember when you cut your hair SUPER short. You look good both ways.


  5. i LOVE haircuts!! We just had appts on Thursday and I while I say I'm growing mine out, I'm bored with it. I wanted something new. And then James scared the poor stylist by saying 'Don't cut it short!' which is what I told him to do 6 weeks ago at the last haircut. I don't think that I'm really a long hair kinda girl. I mean, it takes a LOT of commitment to actually GROW it out and I like the feeling of having long hair one day and short hair the next. It's cool. I'm also FINALLY embracing my hair and figuring out how it works, so I was ready for the challenge of short hair.

    And then we paid $20 or so for a trim. *sigh*

  6. You look great! That's a lovely picture! I try not to stress too much about hair either, though I did cut my own bangs fairly crookedly recently, and I'd be lying if I said they didn't piss me off! ; )

  7. you really look lovely!! hair cut..it's a kind of lifestyle philosophy!

  8. I just got a haircut and a beard trim yesterday. I feel so much better.

    Like the brunette look.
