
Simon, you're such a drama queen.

Work has been busy. Which has been good, because sometimes I need a distraction from my own thoughts.

I've been downloading too many Simon and Garfunkel songs of late. Their overdramatic lyrics make me feel a little less crazy. Until I shed a few tears. When was the last time I cried anyway? It was probably long overdue...strong girls are allowed to cry, too.

Sometimes I'm too open on this blog. Sometimes I am secretive. This is an example of the latter.

I just gotta write it out, without having to explain all the Ws. Cause all the leaves that are green turn to brown, eventually.

Thanks, S & G.


  1. I read a quote the other day that this post reminded me of. It said: Crying doesn't indicate that your weak. SInce birth it has always been a sign that your alive. Love that and reading your blog of course.

  2. he really is a drama queen. at least his hair was better. i'm all for secrecy on the blog. you've got to document but still keep things for yourself.

  3. I like when work is busy, but for many reasons. The time goes faster, I feel like I'm getting more accomplished, I feel like I'm actually contributing, I think that clients may benefit from my presence, etc. It's nice.

    I'm not much into S&G more so because I rarely search for music these days, but also because I'm rather unfamiliar with them and their music. Maybe, someday, when I start the music search part of my life again, I'll have to check 'em out. :)
