
Funky Barcelona, Part One: The Nightlife

Ahhh, Barcelona. Another place to happily add to my 'favorites' list. Barcelona is unusual and beautiful all in one go. The weird sculptures and regal buildings juxtaposed against the Mediterranean Sea really give the city some spunk. Add in some Gaudi, and you've got one funky city!

I thought I would I would break up these travel posts differently this time. The first post is on my experience with the nightlife in Barcelona. Dare I say it? Can you take me to...Funkytown?

Before I continue with my oh-so-expert opinions on the nightlife, I can't go further without writing a big THANK YOU to Emily. Homegirl let me stay at her place and took me to the best restaurants and sites BCN had to offer. It was a weekend of "burnt garlic, absinthe and self-deprication." Was that the phrase, Em? Miss Emily and I are also in talks of creating the next best seller in the novel world: sexy leprechauns.  


Onto nightlife...

Emily's friend Barbie affectionately described the above mascot for a bar as "half-pig, half-penis." 

First off, when going out in Barcelona one should note that this city parties late. Dinner started at nine, and subsequent festivities can stretch far into the night...er...morning. 

Ready to go out in (my claim to fame) Emily's red coat! Thanks for letting me borrow your baby!

Tapas were in order! This is an assortment of grilled chile, bready, meaty goodness! 

Happily stuffing my face. 

After tapas, I begged Emily to take me to the abinsthe bar. Especially after she informed me that Ernest Hemingway used to frequent this place. I'm a sucker for that stuff! The bar is called Marsella, and it's well worth a go. 

I'm pretty certain the place hasn't been dusted, cleaned or renovated since Ernest was there...but that only made me love it more! Oh, and if you want to look hipper than the other people, don't set your sugar on fire as apparently only "tourists" do this. I mean, I can't risk looking like a tourist, you know? 

Oh, and a verdict on the peeps in Barcelona: just lovely! 

A picture of Emily's friend Victor, who allowed me to put a celery leaf in his hair.
Besides the fact that Emily's friends were quite welcoming and charming, I noticed one extra thing about the people in this great city: they actually stay engaged in conversations without checking their phone every 5 minutes. I mean, you might see it here and there, but the epidemic hasn't spread like it has in London or the U.S., thank God! 

Barcelona has plenty of what makes a smashing evening: great eats, drinks and (engaged) conversation. 


  1. How fun to hear you loved Barcelona!!

  2. Are there just millions of hot as shit Spaniards walking around there, or what?

  3. That is SO cool that you went to the bar where Hemingway hung out. I'm totally a sucker for that type of thing also. I wish I could travel as much as you do right now! My next trip is probably going to be the grand canyon for my birthday. I've always wanted to go, and it's like 10 hours from me. And tapas? YUM!

  4. Love Barcelona!!! :) You clearly had a fun time.


    P.s. I changed my URL (to make it sound more like my blog title), and my old one doesn't work anymore. Just FYI

  5. Absolutely love these travel posts, and equally I am SO in love with that t-shirt graphic. I will search high and low so that I might own one.

  6. Ah, I love that mascot... hilarious!

    I hate it when people check their phones constantly, it's so rude!

    Victor is a hottie.

  7. omg I am so jealous of you!!! my friend is going to be in barcelona in march so hopefully I have time to visit her there :)

    xx Vivi

  8. You can come back and burn my garlic any time! (How awkward does that sound). Here's to more absinthe and self-deprecation, at the very least!

    Oh, and Victor is a hottie. ;)
