
Conversations With English Flatmates (Volume 2)

Flatmate: Hummus makes everything better. I don't like vegetables, but when I put hummus on them, I like them!
Me: I know what you're talking about, it's just like ranch dressing! 
Flatmate: What's ranch dressing? 
Me: ...

Me: It's your birthday! How old are you again? 25? 
Flatmate: No, I'm 28.
Me: What?!? Noooo...I thought you were younger.
Flatmate: I'm 28.
Me: Is this one of those British humor things where you're lying to me?
Flatmate: I've never lied to to you.
Me: That's a lie!

Flatmate (a bit tipsy): I'll be honest, I was a little worried about an American moving in. But you've changed my mind on Americans.
Me: Yeah, we're not so bad.
Flatmate: I mean, you're still a bit loud, but you're alright!
Me: Glad to know I've represented my country honorably!

Me: Can you pass the tomatoes?
Flatmate: You Americans say tomatoes weird. *impersonates my accent* tomayyyyyyytoes...that's not right. It's to-mah-toes.
Me: This argument could go on all night. And you do the WORST American accent!
Flatmate: Tomayyyyyyyyyyyytoes.
Me: Ugh. 


  1. Ha! Sounds like a fun roommate to have! But you guys do know that hummus could be counted as a vegetable, too?! ;)

    1. Ha, of course! But since it's mixed with garlic and olive oil, it becomes a sneaky vegetable disguised as a spread :)

  2. i just got in to a huge argument about the word fourty with a brit...he says its 'fou-ty' and i'm all...so the R is silent? what?

    1. They don't pronounce their Rs. It's weird.

  3. ur face should be one big triangle! burnnn!!! (but that means i'd like it)

  4. i'd totally pin it and blog about it if it were

  5. hahahahahahah, these are my favorite. Or should I say favourite.

  6. Highly entertaining.


  7. Love these. Right here is my favorite --> "Is this one of those British humor things where you're lying to me?"

  8. Ha ha ha - love this 'series' Ashley.

    The comment 'I don't like vegetables, but when I put hummus on them, I like them' - hilarous. Hummus is (mostly) vegetables, sort of.

  9. this just made me laugh. ;) and i'm glad you represented your country honorably. :) it's a must!
