
Conversations With English Flatmates (Volume 2)

Flatmate: Hummus makes everything better. I don't like vegetables, but when I put hummus on them, I like them!
Me: I know what you're talking about, it's just like ranch dressing! 
Flatmate: What's ranch dressing? 
Me: ...

Me: It's your birthday! How old are you again? 25? 
Flatmate: No, I'm 28.
Me: What?!? Noooo...I thought you were younger.
Flatmate: I'm 28.
Me: Is this one of those British humor things where you're lying to me?
Flatmate: I've never lied to to you.
Me: That's a lie!

Flatmate (a bit tipsy): I'll be honest, I was a little worried about an American moving in. But you've changed my mind on Americans.
Me: Yeah, we're not so bad.
Flatmate: I mean, you're still a bit loud, but you're alright!
Me: Glad to know I've represented my country honorably!

Me: Can you pass the tomatoes?
Flatmate: You Americans say tomatoes weird. *impersonates my accent* tomayyyyyyytoes...that's not right. It's to-mah-toes.
Me: This argument could go on all night. And you do the WORST American accent!
Flatmate: Tomayyyyyyyyyyyytoes.
Me: Ugh.