Yes, yes...I was indeed that tourist that got some annoying head gear to wear while in Dublin. I won't apologize. Dublin pleasantly surprised me as a (smallish) city that had a lot of energy, fun music and pretty scenery. I am now a big fan and would urge you not to skip Dublin when planning a trip to Ireland! Jesus in a box also urges you not to skip it:
Onto some shots of lovely Dublin:
The silver spire in the middle of town.
The awesomest clock in the world. Look closely. This one really hurt my whiskey brain.
Now, I didn't just drink while in Ireland. There were some great sites to see. Behold:
Trinity University is a must see. A lovely campus that had me feeling like I was all scholarly and stuff.
More of the campus.
St. Stephen's Green, a very beautiful park...
A memorial to the Great Famine.
A little romance for ya. This photo makes me melt a little.
Tis the season for green.
Content in the Irish sunshine =)
To end the post, here are some of my recommended pubs/restaurants/establishments that really showed us a good time:
Vintage Cocktail Club
Random bar in The Shelbourne Hotel
Sometimes I like walking into random hotels and hanging out at their bars. This hotel was snazzy, and provided great people watching as a wedding was going on amidst the St. Paddy's craziness. Also, it's hard to beat the service in hotels.
The Auld Dubliner
This is in the Temple Bar area of town, which is VERY busy, full of foreigners, but not touristy enough to skip. Straight up, this place was a hell of a lot of fun!
Good food, fun decor, cheap prices and highly original. I got a good little ham and cheese toasty with freshly made salads to help cure a drinking headache. It worked! Inside of the cafe: