
What's your Guilty Pleasure?

I can't believe I'm going to give anyone evidential proof of me saying this (i.e. this blog), but I actually like some Ashlee Simpson songs. What the hell is wrong with me? As far as I know, I'm not coming down with any serious illnesses. It's just that Jessica's little sister thoroughly bugs the crap out of me. And she's not a great singer. And her lyrics aren't profoundly deep...but they make me laugh and are a blast to sing (or scream) at the top of my lungs.

Ahhhhhh....so this is the definition of a guilty pleasure.

Just to give you a taste of the lyrics, in case you haven't heard them playing over public airwaves 50 billion times, here's some lines from "Autobiography" :

Got stains on my t-shirt
And I'm the biggest flirt
Right now I'm solo but that will be changing eventually
I live more than I cry
You pissed me off...Goodbye!
Got bruises on my heart
And sometimes I get dark
If you want my Autobiography
Baby, just ask me
Like I said, not so deep, nope not at all. But it's one of those songs I like to bounce around and act stupid to (Along with Girls Just Wanna have fun and other assorted cheesy, over-produced 80's songs). Sometimes I just need a reason to act like an idiot. This is good reason, and it puts a smile on my face.

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