
Bigger is Better

Well, kind of. I saw Star Wars last night with my buddy Michelle (who proceeded to cry over certain parts she KNEW would happen, haha).

Star Wars, in a few words, was PRETTY FREAKIN' COOL. So, the dialogue wasn't grand and made all these usually wonderful actors sound like novices. But the graphics were amazing and the plot, well you know, the plot was BAD ASS.

Plus, um, Hayden Christensen is freakin' hot! If you're a girl, I don't need to tell you twice! Oh yeah, and if you're a gay guy...I don't need to tell you once! Hehe.

Outside of the movie world (which is a cool world I wish I could somehow get lost in), I start summer school TOMORROW. Craziness. I just ended school last week and now I'm gearing up to go straight back. Insane! I need a private jet or something to beat all the traffic. Or a helicopter. Problem is, we dont' have a airport at my school. Aw shucks. I'll just land on a building or something. Watch out Adams Humanities!

I'm excited for the upcoming fall semester. Maybe cause of my sick ass roomates. Rachel and I are working out color schemes for our apartment. It's so much fun! I miss everyone, but I will see them soon enough. Plus I love hanging out with Jaclyn. And I don't see her enough. I'll have to kidnap her and take her to SDSU with me...hehehe, watch out jackizzle!

1 comment:

  1. yes, hayden christensen is a lover:)

    and please, aim for adams humanities! try landing on the 4th floor patio in between all those offices...or, if not, at least you take out parts of a building that should never have been built in the first place because its so confusing.
