
Give me some Comfort Food, please!

Sweet Jesus that was a hard test! Now usually, I excell in Italian, but that test just strangled the life out of me...oh well. It didn't help that it was 8:00 in the freakin' morning.

This weekend just keeps swinging back and forth between cool and not-so-cool. It's not fun being on a pendulum-like system. I want consistency dammit!

Yesterday when I was super stressed and about to pull out my hair, Jenna took me to Costco's to relax a bit. How is Costco's relaxing you ask? Free food samples, bitches! Like little scavengers/homeless children we scurried across each aisle, keeping our eyes out for each stand and swooped in for the kill when we found them. I can't complain when I get free food. Then, Jenna bought me a huge-ass piece of Costco pizza. That's a slice of love, my friends. On a side note, I hate when people soak up the pizza grease with their napkins. If you're gonna eat pizza, eat the whole damn thing! Including the fattening grease from the pepperoni. That's the best part, anyway.

Well, hopefully the rest of today turns out better than this morning. Maybe I'll go get a burrito from Trujillio's...mmmmmmm. Comfort food is the answer right about now.

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