
A Formula for No Stress

I really would like to go back and take my Italian final again...my mind has a greater ability to function right now rather than at 8 in the morning. That's why I took my Italian class at 5 pm...don't they get this?!

Today started off badly, but slowly progressed into a rewarding, fun day. I went to Trujillio's twice today. That's right, that means I went more than once. MMMMmmm...this is truly what you eat in heaven. Except in heaven it's free and there's no waiting in line. And no $5 limit on your credit card. Yeah, that's heaven.

You know what else is in my heaven? A pool. Minus the chlorine and possible pee. Ok, well maybe an ocean would be more my style. Basically I would just want something to swim in. If there is a such thing as past lives, I was of course a fish of some sort. Or something that lives and breathes the water. Words cannot express the way in which water calms me. It literally massages my muscles while unwinding my tightly waded mind. Maybe it has something to do with being in my mother's womb, surrounded by tranquilizing fluid.

I don't know. I just know I love water and I got to swim in it today.

Oh, and I watched episodes of Southpark today. hehehehe...that show cracks me up like no other. Sometimes I truly love being politically incorrect. How deliciously joyful those shows are!

So, you see? Mexican food+swimming+Southpark=one hell of a good day. (and I got to spend it with a good friend, thanks rach) ahhhh....now I am going to go to sleep and maybe dream of gliding through the water (and maybe kissing a certain guy).

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