
A Chinese Proverb:

Dude! I totally just spilled coffee on myself. Ok, that wasn't the proverb, sorry! But I did. That really sucks. If it had been hot coffee from McDonald's, at least I could have sued. But who am I gonna sue now? Oh, yeah, back to the proverb:

If I keep a green bough in my heart, a Singing bird will come

This little ol' proverb here has been hanging (framed) in my room since FOREVER. It has a little picture of the green bough and bird and everything. The bird even has music notes coming out of it's mouth (get it? singing bird?! I crack myself up). It was put up way back in the day (back in 1985, fools) when I first came home from the hospital. I'm sure my parents bought it to fill up space.

The point of this speil is yesterday I FINALLY, for freakin' once in my life, looked at the damn thing and internalized the saying. Took me long enough.

I guess you can interpret the meaning many different ways. My way goes something to the effect of "if you believe you can do it, opportunity will come knockin'." Yeah, I don't know how to make that sound less cheesy. The point is, I can relate with this proverb in my life right about now. I'm approaching a crossroads, and it's the scariest thing I've EVER seen. It's my future up ahead, am I'm still wondering if I'm gonna make it in the "real world," if we wanna call it that. I'm not yet worried about marriage, nope, or families or any of that. The thing that is scaring the HELL out of me is the idea of a career. What the fuck am I going to do? Where am I going to live?

The frightening part is that I've never had things so undecided before me...the path is usually clear. But this one is covered with moss and haze and branches and spiders...any road block you could imagine.

This is where the proverb comes in. It's my job to believe I can get through it. When you believe, the path makes a way for you, or rather, you make a way through it. You don't take no for an answer.

Alright, alright. I'll end this proverb nonsense. But it's funny how something that's been hanging in my room since the day I was born didn't strike me till right about now. Maybe when I need to hear it the most.

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