
I find this really amusing:

Jenny (a hilarious girl at my work) and me have come up with a brillant idea.

We have a sort of "soft rock" satellite radio station at work called MUSAC...oh man. You really can boogie down to those songs!

The other day, and I swear every day since, they played that song that goes "Jenny I got your number!....867-5309." It's one of those freakin songs that gets stuck in your head for 25 hours, seriously.

So, of course, Jenny hears this and says, "Yeah, this is my song!"
Me: Why?
Jenny: Cause it says my name.
Me: Oh, I never noticed that before.
Jenny: Yeah, people always think it says "daddy" or something. (laughter) Dumbasses.
Me (with a really cool idea): Let's call it!
Jenny (whipping out her cell phone): Yeah!....oh, it says it can't connect, we need an area code.

Hence forth, everyday Jenny and I work, we try different area codes so we can call that number and get a living human being on the other end...that person's name better damn well be Jenny. It would be dissapointing otherwise.

Oh, and I know what you're thinking. I KNOW that this has probably been tried a thousand times before. Make that a million. But it's much too fun to not try. I'm sure the person with this number is thinking "DAMMIT! That DAMN song! Stop calling here you 80's freaks!"

hahahaha, amusing, indeed.

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