
My random thoughts for the moments:

I took a journalism midterm today...summerschool moves at the speed of light I swear!

I've been ultra lazy today, and I've justified my laziness with the fact that I took a midterm.

Whatever anyone has to say bout Michael Jackson, "Billie Jean" is a GREAT song. Seriously now. It's such a classic.

I hate people who enter the freeway at 40 mph. Did you NOT NOTICE the many signs that say the speed limit is 65???!!!! And you know the "real" maximum speed limit in Cali is like 95 (I like 80, myself). Some lady today entered the freeway at that speed, and I was behind her. Dude lady, I don't want to die...so speed up!

You can tell Californians are lazy since we always shorten our state's name. Exhibit A above. We are classic slackers.

The weather was just perfect today...the beach was calling my name, so I had to drive by. It was like "Asssssssshhhhhhhhhlllleeeeeeeeyyyyy! Long time no see!" And I was like "No, kidding friend! Once summerschool is over, you and I will chill."

No, I am not on drugs right now, I'm just expressing myself (I'm sure a lot of surrealists use this line).

Oh, God. I hope you enjoyed my series of random thoughts. Or maybe you stopped reading at the title. That's all fine with me. Yay for random thought mondays, maybe I'll make this a weekly thing, maybe I won't torture you so.


  1. Yup, say what you want about Michael Jackson, but Billie Jean and Thriller are immortal and will always hold a special place in my heart.


  2. OF COURSE...some of the best songs ever created!
