
Random thought monday...cause my mind is so scatter-brained today:

What's with all these shark attacks of late? Maybe it's just a thought...but stay out of the water in Florida, people!

I can't believe I actually cleaned my bathroom today, that's an accomplishment.

I also I can't believe that I have 2 out of my 3 projects done (nearly). That's an accomplishment for a die-hard fan of procrastination.

Why is there constant construction on roads around San Diego? All I wanna do is drive faster than 20 in a 40 mph zone, but all the construction is preventing that. Construction bastards!

I am so sleepy today and I don't know why. Oh yeah. It's monday.

I want to go swimming. It's really hot in my house right now.

I had pizza for dinner tonight and I made it...I'm so cool!

Why are all the movies this summer sequels or remakes? Take your pick: Bewitched, Dukes of Hazzard, Star Wars Episode III (not that I am complainign about Hayden), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (not that I am complaining about Johnny Depp), Batman Begins...I'm sure there are more. What happened to original ideas?

And finally...when did VH1 and MTV stop playing music and start filling their stations with crappy shows about dating and celebrities. Hello! Weren't you two supposed to be music channels? Well, excuse me then, where is the music?

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