
Why can't guys talk like this anymore?

This is an excerpt from Pride and Prejudice:

"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

That line is from Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth. So cute! Hearing that makes me want to just melt right into the ground. I'd be a happy puddle. Now, if I could only get a guy to say that to me.

I don't quite think that will happen anytime soon. Unwantingly (is that a word?) I have become a little untrusting. Opening yourself up to someone then being turned down can really do that to you. Emotions are a tricky business.

God, wouldn't it be easier to have a storybook character to be my lover? Yes! Can't I just pull Mr. Darcy from out of the pages and into my life? Michelle would agree, haha.

Maybe I will just stay away from guys in general this upcoming semester, except for friendship purposes, of course.

I think that I will stop thinking about it and let things happen and fall into place the way they're supposed to. My God---thinking too much is my best quality and worst quality all rolled into one.

I gotta stop that... maybe I should just take up a heroine addiction and live under a freeway pass. That might just be easier. But that won't do, I'm not a fan of needles.


  1. ashley, Im sorry but if you keep insisting that darcy be your lover, we're going to have to throw down! haha:) you think im kidding....

    p.s. be careful with loving darcy. he can ruin you for life! ask jane austen.

  2. haha, ok michelle, besides you found him first....but we should breed men to be like darcy. How bout that?

  3. like start a finishing school??
