
Taking a step onto the soap box...

Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring from the Supreme Court. Although she wasn't the most liberal on everything, she definitely fought for some liberal social causes. Now we're gonna get a huge conservative appointed into her spot, no doubt.

Now, I have many friends who are conservative--I respect their views. One of my best friends is a huge supporter of Bush. I cannot be, however. To look and see how divided this country is and tell me that Bush is a good president is a contradiction. He's a good president to those that agree with his harsh views, but I really wish he could have been voted out of office.

I say this because he likes to ignore half of the country--the half that wants gay marriage to happen. I use this issue alone because it is the main reason I just don't like him. Don't tell me you're not mixing religion with government when you say you want to create an amendment to the freakin constitution that prevents it. Don't even deny it! OF COURSE you're mixing religion with government!

And don't give me that weak weak WEAK argument that it is simply "tradition" for only a man and woman to be married. I HATE that stupid, weak, non-convincing, poorly-made argument. Why do I say this? Because it used to be "tradition" that women couldn't vote. It's used to be "tradition" to allow slavery. It used to be "tradition" to deny interacial marriages. Tradition is often changed because it is built on fallacies and hatred.

And that is why this stupid "tradition" should be changed.

I don't mean to get all worked up over this. I just feel like our country has taken a huge step backwards from where it was before. If we continue down this path, we'll lose what our founders fought so adamently for. Like the Roman Empire, we'll fall...without even expecting it. It's ARROGANT to believe that America will be in power forever, not at the rate we're going.

Hopefully, HOPEFULLY my generation can clean up the mess other presidents have left behind. Hopefully we can get our country back to one that is mended and not so divided. We'll see.

Whew! Take a breath....

Ok, I'll step off my soap box.

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