
the Blogger Nation

I feel a little better today--a little more free spirited. Maybe cause it's Sunday. I really do want school to start, though. I'm excited for my classes for fall and excited to get going in general.

I was watching The View the other day, haha....maybe not many guys watch the show, and to my surprise, they were talking about blogging.

It's funny how mainstream blogging has become all of a sudden. Come to think of it, I didn't even know what a blog was until fall of 2004, or around that time.

The internet is just this huge force...and while it has many good things about it (i.e. me expressing my feelings through this blog) it also has many bad things about it (i.e. I could be playing tennis instead or something active). But I do both, I exercise and I sit around--they balance out in the end.

I wonder how out-of-shape and anti-social the next generation will be. For shy kids, the internet acts as an excuse to remain shy. It's easier to have virtual friends vs. the real thing...but obviously, it's not the same. I hope kids realize that these days.

I sound like an old geezer or something, huh? "I hope those darn kids exercise more, dab nabbit!"

I tend to ramble in the morning....so I'll stop. It's just funny, like I stated before, how much of a presence blogging has become in people's lives now.


  1. I don't worry about the internet turning people into couch potatoes.

    The radio was going to turn people into brain-dead morons, who would never go outside.

    Then TV was going to turn us all into inactive zombies

    Then videogames where going to destroy our youth's morals, while turning them into zombie, moron couch potatoes.

    The internet is just the next scapegoat, and it certainly won't be the last.

    As for the internet as an excuse for the shy to stay shy...I agree, but not always...I met my wife online.

    Love your blog!

  2. blogging is a fad. it'll go away eventually, just like it's now almost impossible to find Boo Berry or Quisp in most supermarket cereal isles.

  3. thanks paulius...that's really interesting that you met your wife online! I'm intrigued by this story!

    You two are right...I suppose blogging is a big fad, just like everything else seems to be.

    I brought up the shy thing because my friend's brother is one of those kids--painfully shy and stuck on the internet a lot. I believe taking his computer away might help, but I could be wrong.

  4. I don't know about the fad statement...blogger started in 1999 and has been a hit ever since...as long as there are curious humans wanting to learn about strangers and wierdos, then there will always be a place for blogging...

