
Home Appliances Excite Me

No, not in that way, sickos. What I mean is, I'm super excited to move into my new apartment soon. YAY. Everytime I buy a bed frame, trash can, lamp, and other assorted, usually mundane items, I get really happy.

I miss my girls...it's been too long (a WHOLE 3 months, haha). But it seems long. I can't wait to decorate our red and white kitchen! I can't wait to put together our beachy bathroom (yay Rachel!).

Geez...I'm such a girl sometimes.

On another note, I really don't like Richard Roeper right now. What a fool. A complete and utter fool. It is people like him that keep this societal image of beauty a permanent fixture for years to come. I want to throw things at his face. (and by the way, I first saw this article at the blog Vicarious Living).

Now, I know that often I give my praises to beautiful men, and there are some men that are truly beautiful, but I would never go as far as Roeper did. I've dated guys of all sizes, thank you very much, because, for me, the most attractive quality in men has always been humor. Yeah, Brad Pitt is a stud (with really cute dimples), but if he didn't know how to crack a proper joke, I'd turn him down in an instant. You think I'm lying.

Roeper, you're not cute, nor was your article funny. You're a good writer, but that's besides the point (haha). Take your head out of your ass and learn to know real beauty.

(on an unrelated side note: I'm still praying for my uncle--every hour, every day).


  1. Amen!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and of course commenting! (and the link!)
    Humor really is the deciding factor for me too, regardless of how attractive a person is.

  2. matthew, I could see you being a great stay-at-home dad--man, you know more about appliances than my mom.
