
If only I could slam a door

I'm in a bad mood. This doesn't come that often for me, but today, yeah...is one of those days. I just don't feel energetic, except to throw things at the wall. I just don't feel like doing anything, except to lay around and sleep. No, it's not that "time of the month." Maybe this is just a girl thing. Do guys have these moods? Maybe it's just an Ashley thing.

I don't even really feel like writing right now. Whatever...

Maybe I'll go see Charlie and Chocolate Factory today, maybe that will cheer me up.


  1. if you don't feel like writing, don't write.
    my writing tends to suck if I force it.

    and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... if you're having a bad day, it'll help.

  2. haha, yes...this is true. But I ended up seeing Batman Begins instead (which I know you liked). That did cheer me up. Maybe all the fighting scenes helped me let out my aggression.
