
Oldies Truly are Goodies

I was at work the other day (yeah, I've been working a lot), and Smokey Robinson came on the radio.

I said, "Oh! I love this song. I love this artist."

A 16-year-old co-worker, Anees, had a look of puzzlement on her face. "Um, who is this?" she asked.

Me: Smokey Robinson, of course.
Anees: Who?
Me: You don't know who Smokey is?
Anees: Well, no.
Me: God child! Do you know any oldies at all?
Anees: Not really.
Me (hoping she answers yes) : Do you know who Marvin Gaye is?
Anees: No.
Me (putting my face in my hands) : You don't know who Marvin Gaye is?!
Anees: I listen to rap and R&B. You know, like Usher.
Me: Usher would not be here if it weren't for Marvin Gaye. R&B wouldn't be here if it weren't for Motown. You gotta know where you came from.
Anees: What's Motown?
Me: Oh my God.

Come on now, I knew who Marvin Gaye was at 16. Don't most kids? Maybe not. Maybe I've just always been a big fan of oldies. Maybe I need to accept that everyone isn't. But how can you not like Simon and Garfunkle? They might be too slow for some people. And how can you not form a smile when listening to Marvin Gaye? If you didn't, you'd have no heart. And you couldn't be my friend.

Today, right now, I'm listening to "Leaving on a Jetplane." The Peter, Paul and Mary version. I love oldies. Truly now. Next, I'll shake it with The Beatles.


  1. that last part made me laugh out loud.
    she doesn't rep motown? pray for her, or have an intervention.

  2. I'll have to educate her. I'll slip some Motown cd's in her backpack or something.
