
What I consider brave...

Now just to warn you, this will be a very random post. My brain does weird things in the morning, especially when under the influence of coffee.

I consider a few things very brave: firefighters, the PO-lice, crazy protesters and all that jazz.

You know what else I consider brave? Posing nude. I guess that's sort of a given though.

I don't know why I randomly started to think of this today, but I did. Think about how brave you have to be strip off all your clothes before a crew of camera men (whether it's a movie, Playboy cover, or...um...a porno) and allow them to gawk at you while you reinact certain positions for the camera. Think about it. Either you're brave or you REALLY need money. But even if you need money, you're still pretty brave.

Think about all the insecurities that must come off with your clothes. You have to look confident for the camera, you gotta sell those pictures, honey!

Look, I don't know why I'm bringing this up...and to my close friends that may attempt to take me to therapy after reading this, NO I am not thinking of posing nude. That is reserved for special people who have a VIP pass (sorority sisters--cause they live with me, haha, and maybe a few others).

I am simply commenting on the brave act of being naked (in the literal and figurative sense) in front of a whole bunch of people. That takes guts. So, to Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra and other assorted porn stars, I must commend you! You're either super courageous or super crazy!


  1. they have to be certified...and remember that I said "maybe" a few others...doesn't mean they exist, yet.
