
ahhhhh! My Brain Hurts!

I have been studying ALL DAY LONG. Italian to Humantities. YOU try reading "City of God" by St. Augustine and interpreting all of it, dammit!!!!!!!!!!! It takes awhile.

I can see already that this will be my most challenging semester academically. So far, at least. My brain really is in pain.

Therefore, I can't write much else, or I will internally combust. Poof!

But one more thing:

Michael Buble, WHY ARE YOU SO HOT? And stop trying to seduce me with that smoldering stare. Actually, don't stop! Can I have your babies? PLEASE?

ahh...that was desperate Ashley coming out. HE brings it out. Suddenly my headache has surpassed. Michael's good looks took it away.


  1. haha I love how I just wrote a post about how much work this semester is going to be and now I find that you wrote a post on the very same subject! misery loves company and its nice to know that you're not alone! AND its only the 3rd day of school!!!

  2. he's a singer, he sings a lot of covers of old Frank Sinatra songs and other assorted 40's hits.

  3. Kind of like that "American Idol" kid?

  4. You know Ashley, I sing old Disney tunes in the shower...

  5. I can't promise that, vince. If I saw Michael Buble walking down the street, no, I could not stay off of him.
