
Center of Hell

I'm coming down with a cold, I can feel it. You know that itchy/scratchy feeling you get in your throat that just doesn't go away? Yep, I have that. Not to mention that I used about 500 tissuses already. It's funny to sneeze in classes and see who says "bless you" and who doesn't.

Oh, and I have cramps. The splendidness of being a girl.

But besides all these trivial things--I am deeply saddened by all the news of New Orleans. The death toll should not be this high. Somewhere, something failed--our system failed. The fact that there was a wherehouse full of people waiting to be saved, all of which have drowned now, well that shows us that something has failed.

I'm not just another liberal blaming the government for it's lack of service, rather I'm sitting here as a human, commenting on the whole of the human race.

We always worry about ourselves, don't we?

There are people who worry about others. And I'd like to think that I am one of them. I think. But who is to know what I would actually do in such a situation? I'd probably be selfish--save myself and my family and my friends before others.

It's depressing to think about it, so I'm gonna stop. I'm just gonna shut it off right now so I don't start crying. The ones I feel for right now are the people from New Orleans--those who can't shut it off. How can you hide from the flames when you're standing in the center of hell?


  1. Those are tough questions and hard observations. I agree that the situation in New Orleans is disasterous, but I also believe that as long as Americans have a caring and helpful spirit as you obviously do, then things will be alright. I don't believe that the American spirit is exemplified by the looters, or the politicians, or the scam artists taking donations with no intention of helping anyone.

    I think its people who care, as you obviously do (I like to think of myself as one of the caring ones also, but I feel helpless amidst such overwhelming pain), that make America great. So don't cry Ashley, everything will be ok...I promise.

  2. I think we've just become so insulated and complacent in the west that when a major disaster does strike, we get shook to our core.

    To us, these things just aren't supposed to happen to us. Unfortunately, they do.

    Also, while disasters bring out the best in some people, they bring out the absolute worst in others. Those people collecting money online, just pretending to be New Orleans charities, should be strung up.
