
I ♥ my roomates

Really I do. There are times when we may bicker. You, know those times when we're in a bad mood and such, and take it out on each other.

But we really get along. And we really work well together. And we're all clean. I'm not a clean freak, not by any means...but I hate it when I live with dirty, messy people. And I did last year. And I love those people, but GOD I couldn't live with them. They live next door to us--in a messier apartment (haha).

One of my roomates, Stefie, went over there a few weeks ago and noticed a chore list on their refridgerator. Stefie asked: "You have a chore list?!"

Deidra(one of the girls in the "messier apartment") said: "Yeah. How else would we get chores done? Like, when your trash is full and stuff. Who takes it out?"

Stefie: "Uhhhhhhhhh, whoever notices it's full."

Deidra: "Oh. But what about when your dishes are dirty?"

Stefie (almost laughing at this point): "Whoever sees the dirty dishes!"

When Stefie told me about this little conversation, I couldn't stop laughing. What is simple to one person is obviously complicated to another person.

Therefore, I love my roomates. Plus, Rachel (my other roomate) and I made breakfast for dinner last night. Pancakes, hash browns, eggs w/cheese, bacon and orange juice. That was the best part of my day. And we took a picture-- we were proud of ourselves.

And then we did the dishes. Cause really, people, cleaning is just not that hard.

I loooooooooooooooove my roomates. They put a smile on my face and are my family when I am away from home. Who could ask for anything more?


  1. My roommate is pretty cool. Cooks a helluva lot better than I do, that's for sure.

  2. I read all that and all I can think is, "How the hell did she get that heart up there?"

  3. hehehe, what you do, vince, is write out & hearts ; (but with no spaces inbetween). It translates to a heart.

  4. Get in the kitchen and make me some waffles, damn it!


  5. haha, riiiiiiiiight hatleyman. I'll make you waffles if you make me pancakes. :)

    matthew, it WAS good. Rachel and I were proud.
