
My Friend Mr. Sudafed and Mr. Kleenex

I feel like, hmm...how should I put this?

I feel like my head is trying to explode. It is so full of flem and bacteria, it would like to explode, really. Sorry, that was gross. But the truth, my friends, the truth.

Being sick is not fun. I have so much to do, but none of the energy to do it.

But I did go home yesterday. There's something about home that provides instant comfort to the soul. Although I love my friends, they're not going to be obesessed with the idea that I'm sick--but my parents will. My parents will worry, and feed me, and nag me to eat more vegetables, and tell me again and again "to take care of myself" and make me cups of tea. And I love every minute of it.

I need to get better, though. Rush is this week. I have tests this week. My life is chaos this week; therefore, I need to be 100 perrrrrrrcent. And I bet I can get better, just by knowing that I have to.

Alright, I'll stop boring you with my snot stories. Hope all of you aren't suffering through the common cold, and I hope at least one of you is thinking of a cure for it. I would love you forever.


  1. No cold, thank God...hope you feel better.

  2. I just, I don't know, felt the need to leave a post. so, in the spirit of being inane, here's some wisdom to drop on you – don't see "exorcism of emily rose." it sucked.

    oh, and get well soon. remember, drinking chicken soup isn't just an addage, it will really cure the cold. scientifically proven, I hear.

  3. I hope you ge to feeling better Ash.

    That sucks! I was hoping that the "Exorcism of Emily Rose" would be good, oh well!

  4. Get well soon...you damn health slacker...

  5. Thank you guys!

    I actually feel better today, THANK GOD!
