
Um...How did my classes go, you ask?

Italian will be the death of me. And if that doesn't kill me, then Journalism 300 will finish me off.

Yesterday my Italian professoressa assigned us 14 freakin pages of homework! I wanted to KILL myself. And in my Journalism class, well....what can I say? Here's a excerpt from the syllabus:
"The writing projects will include an expository principle applied to practice paper, 2 case study response papers and a descriptive science journalism project (finding patterns and analyzing current practice, incontext, with principles)."

I just didn't anticipate this class, which I though was solely a lecture class, to have so many writing projects.

I just always tend to forget that classes get harder as you advance in school. Haha. Silly me.

But don't get me wrong. I am still excited. My geology class is kick-ass. My teacher said this about the middle of the earth: "The middle of the earth is hot. And do you know why it's hot kids? Cause that's where hell is!" Haha! That cracked me up. That teacher may be the most sarcastic teacher I've ever had. And...I always end up liking my journalism classes...even if I complain.

Then there's Comm 300, where all the lady did was brag about how hard her class was. Whatever woman. And today, I have Humanities 401. I'll tell you how that went later.

I still feel like maybe I took on too much. We will see. If my hair turns gray, that's a yes.


  1. he totally did not keep religion out of the classroom. And it's not what you think...he was making fun of religion.

    Must everything be so PC? I'm religious and I enjoyed his insults. We need more of it, seriously.

  2. I wonder if he learned that Hell was at the center of the Earth during his graduate or undergraduate work. I wonder..:-)

  3. I like sarcasm...but too much sarcasm is a a bit of a turn-off. How can you really get to know someone if they're always sarcastic? Sarcasm in many ways is a shield from revealing your real self.
