
Ashley one and Ashley two

Here's the way I look at it:

There's two parts to Ashley (in all her glory): there's workaholic Ashley and then there's slacker Ashley.

Workaholic Ashley is a perfectionist. You have to use the right combination of colors and all that jazz.

Slacker Ashley is a lazy fucking bum who could just care less.

When you mix the two together (and shake) you get an awfully weird combination.

Example: My italian class starts in one hour. Workaholic Ashley says "You should do some extra reading to catch up with what you've missed. We need to get an A in this class! Get to it!"

Then Slcaker Ashley counters, "But doesn't a movie sound nice instead? Why go to class....SKIP IT! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!"

I'm sure we all have these little voices...or I'm just schitzophrenic. Yeah, that's probably the right answer.

I just want to go back to sleep. Cause obviously I'm sounding crazy.


  1. haha, yes. And one has a halo while the other has a cute little pointy tail :)

  2. Sounds like one of these Ashley's is a little country and one is a little rock-n-roll!
