
I Wish I Could Sleep Monday Awaaaayyyyy!

My mind is numb today. I woke up at 8:21 this morning...just in time to slither out of my bed to go to 9:00am class. That meant no shower (sorry to the person sitting next to me!). And dude, there are two things that wake my grumpy ass up in the morning--showers (with my Vanilla body wash, yum) and coffee (with my French Vanilla creamer). Yeah, I love Vanilla.

So I got to class (only half the class showed up) and the professoressa yelled at us for being "dead" today. Give us a break woman! It's monday--and yes, I consider that an excuse. And at least we showed up...geez.

So now I'm back at my apartment, attempting to study, but that's not working so well. By now, I took my shower and drank my coffee, but my brain is protesting today.

Wake up brain! Wake up! Wake up! I have a lot to do today and you can't fail me now.

My bed looks so appealing right now....siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

1 comment:

  1. Some days, truly, you were just meant to stay home, all comfy in your pjs. If only the workplace would recognize that as a legitimate excuse.
