
Things I've done today:

1. Got back my Italian Test for "Lezione 11." I got an 88%...which is not great, but I'm still happy with.

2. Saw cute witty Nick in my class today. Didn't talk to him today, but looked at him...cause he's cute, duh! Our teacher was rambling on too much for me to say anything. And I wasn't sitting near him, cause I was sitting next to Michelle (haha, that was my fault, right michelle?)

3. Talked to Professor G. about shadowing that copy editor for a day. If you want to know about that, read this post. Haha, if you're reaaaaaaallllly that interested. Mr. G is helpful and cares for his students--and I love him for it.

4. Right now I'm doing homework. Well, kind of...right now I'm typing in this blog. I really do need to study though. I'll get right on that :)

sooooooooooo, that was a recap of the day...just wanted to right it down for me to look back on.


  1. hahaha...yeaaaaahh. He doesn't know about it. If he did, I'd blush like 10 different colors.

  2. Don't tell him about the blog..I would be bright purple if someone found out about my blog....

    OMG, I'd flip out!

  3. haha, anthony--your blog is basically ALL about that person. But that's why I love reading it, I love reading what you have to say about her.
