
Change for the Better (Finally)

I'm going to a social event tonight with a frat...we're going to batting cages. To be honest, I'm not particularly fond of fraternities in general...but there are always excpetions. Besides, the guy I dated last year was in a fraternity...so yeah, I can't talk.

But what's grrrrrrrrrreat is...if anyone hits on me a little too much, I've got a bat. Hahaha...don't mess with me asshole!

Just kidding, of course. Kind of.

Anyways...I'm just amazed with myself about how well things are going this week so far. I'm in control of everything, and that's a good feeling. And I've never been this busy before...IN MY LIFE. At first it was overwhelming...but I've finally realized that I'm not alone, and I can always have help. I think humans tend to forget that sometimes...we get prideful and refuse to ask for help, but a lending hand has been my saving grace.

Like last night, I was SO STRESSED out over money. The last thing I wanted to do was ask my dad for money...I HATE borrowing. I kind of broke down and said "I hate having to deal with this money situation!"

My dad asked, concerned, "What money situation?! If you're short on money just ask me for some!!"

"But I don't like to. I have a job now...I've just had so many expenses recently." I blabbered out.

"Then you can borrow now and pay me back later, that's final," said my dad.

I love my dad...and he's here to help. And I was being really prideful. Geez, if my kid was in need of money, I'd help 'em out too.

So...things are going better. I think I cracked a few smiles (gasp!). Last week there wasn't much smiling, so I like the change.

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way about money..I'd rather die than ask my father for money.

    My mother, however, is a different story...
