
Just the Facts, Please

Because I am a Journalism Major, people often ask me what kind of journalist I want to be. Just to clarify, I'm interested in print, not T.V.

To further explain this decision, let me tell you a conversation I was having with a customer at work.

Customer: What school do you go to?
Me: San Diego State.
Customer: Oh. What's your major, then?
Me: Journalism.
Customer: Wow! What an ambition. I'm a writer myself.
Me: Oh yeah? Cool.
Customer: So what kind of journalist do you want to be? Print or television reporter?
Me: Oh, print.
Customer: Good! You're not a prostitute!

Ha...that was a bit harsh at the time. But kind of true. People always inquire of me (and probably you too), "So what do you like more? Fox news or MSNBC?" My answer is neither. They are (to quote my customer) big ol' "prostitutes." It's all about fighting with each other for them...about who's right, about who has more ratings. They've sold their souls. What ever happened to being objective? People aren't objective, I know. But the method by which we choose to report should be objective.

When both MSNBC and Fox run ads for their channels that include American Jets and American Flags with slogans such as "Fair and Balanced," it just makes me mad. Is it fair to just give one side of a debate? Is it fair to just tell one side of a war? If you want to be a fair journalist...shouldn't you be getting both sides?

Surely you must UNPATRIOTIC if you ask Iraq's side of the story. Surely you must be against the country if you're not fully supporting the war (to go with the wise words of our smart president). After all, those channels need ratings, so they can't look unpatriotic. Now can they? Hey, a reporter has to make his g's, right? What, sacrifice money for being more objective? That's a crazy idea!

That's why I choose not to be a reporter on T.V., I've got morals, you know?


  1. Fight the system, Ashley.

    And I agree..it sucks that everyone thinks you're unpatriotic simply because you're not for a war. Who exactly is doing the holy way, anyways? Are we sure it's not us? (for something crude and black?)

  2. Actually, I don't think the problem with television journalism is that they try to present both sides. It's that there's TOO MUCH OF THAT BULLSHIT!

    Here's what I mean:

    It was actually Jon Stewart who pointed this out-- that so many news programs consist solely of somebody from the right arguing with somebody on the left. On Fox News, the token lefties are all callow and simpering and never make a coherent point. And that's the way Fox News likes it.

    Regardless, objectivity is not about "presenting both sides." Objectivity is all about seeking the truth, no matter what side the truth seems to favor.

    And when you find the truth, I guarantee you won't find it within a thousand miles of Fox News.

  3. I can agree with what you say, mister hand...half way. I still believe that you can't call yourself "Fair and Balanced" if you're just not presenting both sides...a goof journalist still gets both sides of the story, so the story is not slanted.

    Overall, like matthew said, I don't really like t.v. journalists, except for a select few, i.e. Peter Jennings. I don't consider them journalists, but rather entertianers, like a clown.

  4. haha, I meant to say a "good journalist." maybe I should proof read!
