
After Four Hours of Studying, Just Add Seasoning!

Trying to get to this site, I typed in www.blooger.com , haha.

I'm special sometimes.

Dude...I studied for 4 hours today. Humanities, you kill me sometimes! And I still have to study more for it. But, if you want to know the connection between symbolism, allegory, hierarchy and truth, I could tell you. Right Michelle? Even if we weren't supposed to make a connection, haha.

I told Michelle today that studying for that long showed me what frying your brain in a pan would feel like. And since it's humanities, it would be like frying your brain and adding italian seasoning, french seasoning and every other freakin' cultures' seasoning.

Yes. Studying does in fact make me think strange, strange thoughts.

Ok, now I have to study for Geology. Cause I have a final. Tonight. It never ends, does it?

I go from studying....to studying....to eating....to studying....to writing on "blooger"....to studying....to studying some more. What a viscious cycle.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I hope you did well on your geology final! man. I feel very lost still on humanities but I have so much I STILL need to study for my asian studies class...

    I'm on the verge of a meltdown of my mind!
    and all this while my latin professor is kicking back and getting ready to swim with the turtles!! ohh the absurdity of the world...

  3. Good luck ladies, I hope all went well with your finals..
