
Ok, ok...What????

I am so confused at the moment. So VERY confused. What just happened??????

Ok, two things:
  1. That humanities professor who almost made me cry, whom I called an elitist bastard (and still is), who I thought HATED my writing with a passion--he gave me an A on my final paper. That paper is worth 25% of my grade. What the fucking hell??? I am so so so very confused. Slap me, will you?
  2. This was also something that happened out of nowhere: This guy in my humanities class (no, not cute Nick) asked me on a date today...after our final on all days. What the hell? Where did that even come from?? I'm talking to him about our final, right, waiting for Michelle's ass to come out of the room and finish her test...and this is like the first time I've talked to him, really...you know, more than one sentence at least. And he walks away with the rest of the group (cause there was a group there) and then he walks back down the hall like 3 minutes later, and says "Hey, would like to go for coffee sometime?" So, I say yes...cause he is kinda cute (with his little glasses and all) and he's one of the smart guys in class (which is always attractive). I guess...I'm just surprised.

Ok, so I'm rambling now...I'm just shocked at these two events that happened today, literally 5 minutes after one another.

Obviously, I don't go on dates that often, which is why I'm so shocked. Cause for NORMAL people, this would probably not be a big deal.

I told you I was a dork. Wow....it's always funny what can happen in a day.


  1. it would be more shocking if genovese asked you out on the date. haha, I'm kidding of course. or maybe I'm not?;)

    anyway, I'm nervous about leaving his name on your blog...you know, just in case he googles himself & finds out that we talk about him and that you called him an elitist bastard...but I doubt that would happen. right? google search, wonderful and scary invention.

    thanks again for taking this class with me. I know it wasnt the easiest, most tolerable class to take. But hey, if it werent for me dragging you into this class...and taking forever to finish that final, the guy from humanities (what IS his name?!) may have never have met you and thus, no date!(I say this as if it makes up for genovese almost making you cry).

    Sorry, I didnt mean for this to be an essay:)

  2. Whoo! Merry Christmas! Happy New New Year! Finally, there is some justice, after all!

  3. We always thought you were smart and dateable but there was always just one thing holding us back...its your love...its like bad medicine!

  4. just roll with it.
    ride it in like Robert Mitchum, be cool like Jim Morrison.

  5. The class was still interesting, Michelle...and you know I love being around you, cause you're cool. And you're right, I got a random date out of it. ha. We'll see how that goes.

    Thomas--thanks. you've got a way with compliments and you know it, don't you?

    Gangster--are you comparing me to a prescription drug overdose or something? haha...or maybe it's a line to a song I don't know about?? I always appreciate your advice :)

    Anthony--you should be a cheerleader, heh. Maybe in a movie, right?

    Matt--you crack me up. As long as you write your blog, I'll read it, cause I adore your writing style. Thanks for your advice as well.

  6. 1. I have learned that a lot of professors get a kick out of making young, desperate (for a good grade) students cry. It's a sport for guys who never could play real sports. I think he just wanted to see how dedicated you were, the bastard.

    2. It takes some guys 4.5 months to muster the courage to ask a beautiful woman out on a date. Be flattered, if nothing else...! :)

  7. Yeah, you gotta forgive my Bon Jovi reference...Bad Medicine, what was I thinking?? I do think "Slippery When Wet" is his best work though....OH MY GOD, what am I saying!!??
