
You know you're not that interesting when I'd rather talk to a wall.

So, about that date. Well...not much to talk about. The guy's name is Mike. And he's nice.........but (hah, there's always a but after nice, huh?)....he really didn't make me laugh. Like, at all. If you can't make me laugh, well, you might as well be dead to me...I might as well just go the grave yard and talk to dead corpses.

Ok, so that's a little harsh. But all my best friends? Funny. My family? Funny. If you're gonna be in my life, dammit, you have to be funny. Not as funny as Ellen DeGeneres, but you gotta make me smile just a little bit...COME ON!

And...I asked this guy about his major, right? And here's how that went:

Me: so what's your major?
Mike: Business
Me: Cool. Do you know what you want to do with it?
Mike: No, not really.
Me: So, why did you get into it? Why do you like business?
Mike: I don't really...I don't like school. I just picked a major that will make me a lot of money.

Ewwwwwwww! Gag me with a stick. Or, actually, gag me with that wad of money you're gonna sell your soul for. Really now, I want to date someone with a PURPOSE in life. If nothing else--to be a stand up comedian, so at least I can laugh with the person.

So....haha. That sums up the night. I'm back home right now, and it is officially Christmas Break (I've said that already this week. I'm so repetitive!).

And you can tell I have free time cause I posted like 3 times today. Well, nevermind, it's Wednesday now...huh? Whatever...I just know I'm glad that my brain can recooperate.



  1. Sorry to hear that, Turk. At least you went out on the town. He at least paid right? Or is he not into money at the moment?

    You'll find your knight...see, I can kind of be normal.


  2. That sucks...maybe he was nervous?

    Then again, that money comment is a very big turn-off, I can see that clearly.

    I went out with this girl in the summer who asked me what my future career would be. I said, "Professor", and she said, "Really? They don't make that much money, do they? Just kidding."


  3. Ugh. Poor guy. Business majors usually lack humor. I have never met a funny MBA. Try a liberal arts guy or someone into the hard sciences. Those crowds tend to attract more more animated, creative, and even humorous types.

    Enjoy your break! Happy Holidays!

  4. Just so you know, I'm not dissapointed at all that the date was boring...guess that's a plus of going out with people you don't know!

    and hatleyman--no, he didn't pay...he kind of sucked, huh?

    anyway, he still got my number and told me he'd call me for a second date...ummm...I probably shouldn;t have given him my number, obviously. But I don't have the heart to tell people I don't like them, or that they're boring.

    Oh well, cross that road when we get there, I guess.

  5. You should have given him the...

    8 - 6 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 0 - 9

    routine...wanker slacker MBA.
