
My Downsizing Idea

So...I was sitting in traffic today, right? And it was really bad traffic. It got me thinking--San Diego is MUCH too crowded. I mean, we have 3 million people. And maybe some of your cities have more, but I like San Diego with less people. Cause with all this overcrowded-ness, San Diego is losing it's laid-back feel. And that is too sad.

So I think we should go through a cleansing. No, not an ethnic cleansing. A stupid-people cleansing. And I don't want to kill the stupid people (come on! I'm not evil), I just want to send them to different parts of the country that aren't crowded. Like...Wyoming. Because, really now, why would you live in Wyoming unless something is terribly wrong with your brain?

You know you have to agree.

Other stupid-people states include, but are not limited to: Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, Idaho and Kansas.

Plus, it would make me incredibly happy to get rid of stupid people, since stupid people really get on my nerves. And then these stupid people would live happier lives, since they wouldn't be slapped so much from people who can't stand them. You see? I'm just watching out for the good of everyone.

Gosh, I'm smart.


  1. haven't you seen the gay cowboy movie? (that's what it's called, right?) wyoming is GOREGEOUS (the rockies are goregeous from canada to colorado).

    let's not waste the goregeous places on the stupid people.

  2. We have a number of stupid people here in Alabama, but Roy Moore is going to be our Governor soon so he'll make everything ok.....right?

  3. Because, really now, why would you live in Wyoming unless something is terribly wrong with your brain?

    ^hahahaha! The only thing left to do now is filter out the stupids from the non-stupids... :D

    but I do agree with you about the crowding. but didnt today just seem like a REALLY BAD TRAFFIC day?

    p.s. apply for the paid aztec position!

  4. at least you didn't mention texas. Thank you for not cracking a joke on the best damn state ever.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly!! Well, I would rather send them all to Alabama. I never liked that state very much...

    At it's core, the problem deals with intellect, education, and a sense of responsibility. The smart people understand the significance of bringing children into the world, so we tend to breed responsibly and are outnumbered as a result of our collective thoughtfulness.

    The stupid people are winning.

    Keeping Wal-Mart out of your neighborhood is truly, half the battle.

  6. besides Utah, I've thoroughly enjoyed every state you listed.

    except Texas. any state that is god damned proud of itself has got some sort of inferiority complex.

  7. Ok, please keep Texas in the stupid people category...we don't need any more stupid people moving in...
