
On Drag Queens and Stress

I am delighted with myself today. And I am a little stressed.

First, on why I am delighted: I made a drag queen doll for Michael, my co-worker. I always joke that's he's a drag queen, and that after we get off work he heads over to Lips (a drag queen bar in San Diego) and turns into the fabulous Michelle. Soooooo, yeah. I took a male barbie, got a skimpy, shiny dress to slip on him (which barely covers his, ahem, bottom half) and colored his face to give the illusion of makeup. It's a masterpiece! And Michael/Michelle will love it! hehehe. I have too much time on my hands sometimes.

Moving onto why I am stressed: I have an exam today...annnnnnnnd I need to read the Leviathan (which is a painfully boring book to read). All by 2:00 pm. Which isn't bad...I'm just stressed. Oh, and applications for the newspaper are due March 6. So I need to work on that.


  1. I am sure making drag queen Ken dolls is a great de-stresser! Anything amusing is a great de-stresser!!

    Have fun reading the Leviathan. Zzz..zzz..zzzz.

    If you have to write a paper on it, I suggest an analysis of the influence of Hobbes' Leviathan to the t.v. show, Lost (they already have characters - Locke and Rousseau, so it should be a snap!). I don't know if the prof will find it amusing, but I know would....! (think: if it's fun, it's less stressful!!)

  2. Leviathan, I'm impressed...:-) I'm more of a Das Kapital man myself but go on with yo' bad self!

    I'll bet Thomas Hobbes would have looked just fabulous in drag!

  3. I did fine on my test. 85%...Not great, but fine.

    Michael LOVED his present...which made me happy.

    But my day was mostly stressful, sadly.
