
Stuck in the Middle

So yeah...this week hasn't been the greatest.

I've just been in a rut lately. I'm not sad...just stuck. I'm not satisfied...I'm insatiable... I'm hungry for something else. You know, all of the above.

I know I look sad in my photo (yeah, it's new, again), but it's more of a contemplative photo. Kind of. I don't know.

I really neeeeeeeeeeed to travel. Somewhere. Anywhere. I don't like being cooped up in one place. When I get enough money (when I have my "steady" job, hopefully), I'll travel to Europe every chance I get. Dude, I'll travel to Virginia or Maryland or Canada every chance I get. Anywhere new and different.

All I know is that I'm young, selfish, confused and a little crazy--and I just haven't figured out life yet. You think you reach a peak, then realize there's more of the mountain to go.

But my shoes are worn, and it's time to lay down for the night and rest. Wrap myself up in dreams of stars and moons and far away places.

There's more to come for me...I just haven't reached it yet.


  1. Ah, the "I wanna get outta here for a while" phase! Don't worry, you'll get the chance sooner or later. This is actually why I went to live abroad for a year between Highschool and college - I was afraid I'd get bored.

    Anyway, if you travel to Europe, you'd have a place to stay in Germany, at least. I'm a decent tourguide. ;)

  2. Forget traveling in your own state...California is California...go to a strange state that you know nothing about.

  3. i don't know if you have a car, or access to one, but I would suggest monument valley.
    you could totally make that trip in two days. a whole lot of driving, a lot of it in the middle of nowhere, but completely worth it once you see it.

    and, here's a bonus when you're driving down US 163, seeing some of the most beautiful scenery in the continental US, you'll know that both Tom Hanks and Matt have been here before you. and that's pretty much totally awesome.

  4. all good ideas. I would looooove to come to Germany, Ellen!

    and actually, matthew, I haven't seen the wine country before...I need to get out more!!!!

    Of course hatleyman goes for the "strange" response. hehe...I SHOULD go to a random state, though. Like...North Dakota? I don't know.

    Matt--the fact that you and Tom Hanks have traveled that road before gives me all the reason in the world to travel it too. Gosh, you're amazing!

  5. Come on to Alabama, I'll take you out for some Soul Food! :-)

  6. I get that way sometimes (esp. lately) about traveling; love to go to Mexico, visit my cousins, etc...

    ...stay hungry. You'll be out in no time.
