
Can you see the raincloud over my head?

I can be a bitch sometimes.

Today, basically, I was in a bad mood. I didn't want to work and I didn't want to deal with stupid customers. What was worse--the customers were in a bad mood as well. Might as well mix gun powder with fire.

I happen to be a supervisor-of-sorts at my job. But the thing is, I really shouldn't work when I'm in such a bad mood, cause I take it out on other people. And of course, things always aren't perfect when I'm working...people talk and don't work and I have to set them back on track. Usually not a problem, and I can usually do it in a nice way. Not today though. Man, I was a bitch.

I'm not a person that's made for being a manager/boss...I realize. I'm good for support and I'm good behind the scenes, but when I'm in bad mood/sad/angry...I really just want to be left alone. However, when you're in charge, people can't leave you alone.

It's a frustrating cycle and life is frustrating in general. Is it sunday yet? Almost. I'll be less grumpy tomorrow.


  1. It's not you, it's your subconscious screaming at you, "Ashley, you won't have this miserable, grunt job after you graduate. You can do more with your life.."

    Your subconscious can cop an attitude, sometimes.

    It's Sunday. Tonight, the Sopranos is going to be on (whoo hoo!). I suggest opening a bottle of Shiraz (since you CAN, now that you are 21!) and unwind.

  2. I don't think that I would want to get on your bad side Ashley!

  3. a great movie quote:

    "Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive. Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto. "
