
Can you see the raincloud over my head?

I can be a bitch sometimes.

Today, basically, I was in a bad mood. I didn't want to work and I didn't want to deal with stupid customers. What was worse--the customers were in a bad mood as well. Might as well mix gun powder with fire.

I happen to be a supervisor-of-sorts at my job. But the thing is, I really shouldn't work when I'm in such a bad mood, cause I take it out on other people. And of course, things always aren't perfect when I'm working...people talk and don't work and I have to set them back on track. Usually not a problem, and I can usually do it in a nice way. Not today though. Man, I was a bitch.

I'm not a person that's made for being a manager/boss...I realize. I'm good for support and I'm good behind the scenes, but when I'm in bad mood/sad/angry...I really just want to be left alone. However, when you're in charge, people can't leave you alone.

It's a frustrating cycle and life is frustrating in general. Is it sunday yet? Almost. I'll be less grumpy tomorrow.