
No freakin' sweat.

Oh my freakin' God...why was I so worried??? The first test...eh. We'll see. I'm not sure about it. But the second test...I kicked that test's ass all over the place. It didn't stand a chance. I should have known--dude, it's an essay test for Christ's sake!!! Duh...I'm good at essays. Again, what the f was I worried about????

I'm going to proceed now into lazy mode. Eat some spaghetti. Watch me some movies. Be as excruciatingly lazy as possible. Ohhhhhhhh yes. I love the sound of that.


  1. I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I had always seen scenes, but I hadn't seen the whole thing.

    My verdict is that movie is on acid. Hardcore.

  2. Well, I guess you can kind of see through the eyes of the Hatleyman now?

    I fart in your general direction, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.

    So it's a draw then?

  3. Oh, and I posted twice today...I went off on a political tangent again...you are such a bad influence...

  4. I'll fart in your direction too if you want...

  5. "It's only a flesh wound."

    You like Monty Python, eh?

    If you haven't seen the 1985 film, Brazil yet, definitely check it out. It's in that genre of classic weirdness.....
