
Say Cheese-y

I told you I would put another picture up. I think I'm trying to look thoughtful in it...you know, worldly and cultured and all that jazz. hahaha. I guess I just like there to be a face to what I write?? I'm weird.

It's a blurry picture anyway...but I love hazy, unclear things. Kind of like how today is hazy and unclear (it's raining). And you know I love the rain. There was even some thunder!!! (gasp) Give me a break, San Diego NEVER gets thunderstorms. So basically, that was bad ass.

Anyway, today marks the first day of my spring break--so I'm in relax-all-day mode. But when am I not lazy anyway????

Some days are meant for dreaming and sleeping and carrying your mind off to far away lands. That's my take on it, anyway.