
Run, Blondie, Run!

So, tomorrow I'm waking up bright and early and driving to L.A. (just say no to smog!) to go see something I've never seen before. And my friend is participating in it.

I'm going to go see Jaclyn (my little special blonde friend-haha) run in a marathon. I'm gonna be the happy/proud friend cheering for her on the sidelines. If I had time, I'd make a shirt that would say "Lemon Ball Power." Disregard that last sentence, cause I don't want to explain.

And yesterday, I was telling some other friends about the marathon. The converstaion went like this:

Me: Yeah, Jaclyn is running in a marathon. It's like--27 miles or something.

Jaime: Yeah, it's 26.4 miles.

Me: Oh...you've heard of this marathon???

Jaime: No, Ashley, all marathons are the same length...it's fixed.

Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I never knew that.

Yeah. I'm a dork. But what can you do?

Anyway, I just need to say props to Jack for showing the determination and will (I sound like a shoe commercial) to train and run in this marathon. That takes balls, Jack. Even though you are a girl, you get my drift.

And...I need some prayer power directed towards my car, since everytime I try to drive it to L.A., it breaks down. Yeah, it's happened twice. It just doesn't like L.A. and I can't blame it, really.

So here's to an interesting day tomorrow!


  1. I not only read your blog for the entertainment value, but I learn things as well!

    I never knew all marathons were the same length! Is that a tidbit of common knowledge that I missed growing up? Oh course, the only time I ever run is when someone is chasing me with a knife...and that hasn't happened in a few weeks.

  2. I'm going to ruin a marathon too! Well, as soon as I lose some weight, get in shape, and learn to run...can I drink beer while I run?

  3. Marathon's are 26.2 miles, just to clarify! and I know because I just ran one...thanks for coming Ashley!!!

  4. Hope you're feeling better today, Jack. And you know where I got the 26.4 from? The internet. Haha...I SHOULDN'T trust the internet, and this is proof.

    You did great!
