
God Help the Poor Student.

I'm slowly falling apart this week. Must. gather. strength...to...go...on.

I wrote 7 pages of my paper today in 4 hours. That's good for me considering that it usually takes me an hour a page (I'm annoyingly thorough).

These finals are killing me. No, wait. They're slaughtering me. I'm not quite sure how and why I'm typing right now. I've been staring at flashcards tonight for over 4 hours now and they're starting to do little dances in my head. So this is what it's like it go crazy...hmmm.

I just have a little more to go, and I will be free for the summer to do yoga (why the hell not?) and bum around at the beach. You know, get rid of my white-girl-ness and such.

Alllllllllmost done. I can almost taste it.


  1. putting your nose to the grind stone always makes me feel better about bumming around the beach all summer, ahhh I miss San Diego!

  2. So if it's killing you....why even consider doing this again for another year?

  3. Yes, I had a real life un-insane moment there...weird, right?

  4. well finish up so we can go to the beach....damn...i'm bored sitting around waiting.

  5. hey sarah...I agree. Waves, sand, sun...I'm almost there. Where do you live now?

    Hatleyman--if I'm dying now, I would have completely finished myself off taking 7 classes a semester next year (I'm taking 4 now). It was necessary to spread it out. And don't worry, I'm crazy enough for the two of us today.

    dustin--glad you're enjoying your time "sitting around." haha. I'm so down, let's go to the beach. Make sure to bring your boogie board (yeah, I still like those).

  6. Do you surf? Or boogie board, or whatever you call it?

  7. hahaha, anthony, I can't surf...boogie boarding is something that children do, you lie on your stomach, basically. I don't have enough talent to surf.
