Ahhhhh...this week might be the death of me. But I won't let it. Finals week here doth beginith.
Monday--study for my poli sci essay exam at 1 pm. By 3 pm, start my 9 page essay.
Tuesday--Finish 9 page essay and turn in by 3 pm. Start studying for Comm Final and Anthro Final.
Wednesday--Study some more for Comm (and pray that I get a decent grade on that freakin' test) and take test at 1 pm. Study more for Anthro test.
Thursday--Take Anthro test. Finals will be over. Buy a big drink to cure my headache.
So yeah. That'll be my week. Fuuuuuuuun.
Oh yeah--and update: I will be staying an extra year for school. I didn't want to die from stress nextyear by taking 7 classes per semester. So I went for the more spread-out route. And dad agreed, and wasn't upset (surprisingly).
Ok, I need rest...to all a good night!