
Summertime, and the living is easy...

The best version of that song is by Sam Cooke. Hands down.

I feel, ahhhhhh, relieved. I took my last final today, and all I have to wait for is results. It is now time to relax.

But I think I gave the worng impression in my earlier posts, so let me just clear something up.

Yeah, school drives me crazy. Yeah, I'm lazy. Yeah, its hard for me to sit down and study the way I used to.

But...I love to learn. Love. Love. LOVE it.

I love the feeling you get when you learn something that truly touches your heart. Not just touches your heart, but rips open your chest and grabs your heart with an iron fist. I love it. And that happened this semester.

Sooo, I'm happy that I'm staying an extra year. If I took 7 classes each semester next year, I would lose the awe of learning that I adore. I would be so wrapped up in just doing well and getting through the year that I would lose an important part of myself--the part of Ashley that loves wandering libraries and grazing pictures of far far away lands.

That would be sad. So i'm not gonna rush. Why Americans rush so much anyway? Where are we going in such a hurry, and for God's sake, why don't we realize what we're sacrificing?

I'm not going to be in a rush to get out and get a job. In rushing through school, I would be putting aside life.


On a lighter note...I need a tan. The beach is like totally calling my name right now, dude. (um, that's how we talk in California, so don't hate). Time to just enjoy the view.