
Maybe blondes do have more fun!

This week has been interesting thus far.

I've been called "1/16th Gay" by my friends. I'll go with that. Isn't everyone a little gay? Come on now. They called me this cause I was curious and wanted to feel the weight of my friend Bianca's boob. I am a small breasted girl (ain't nothin' wrong with that!) and I simply wanted to feel the weight she had to carry around all day long--which is a LOT, by the way. Hello back pain!!!

Hey, you'd do it too.

And while we're talking about Bianca, let me tell you a little story that went down last night. Heh.

So a few days ago, Bianca (who is tan, brunette and Brazilian I might add) asks me if she should go blonde.

I say, "Noooooooooo. Don't EVER go blonde. EVER. Alright?"

But does anyone listen to the voice of reason?? Apparently not. I get home from work last night, right? And there's Bianca, distressed and in the bathroom, with a head full of blonde-ish, orange, gold hair. Could we even call it hair? I didn't know that hair could even turn those colors.

"What did you do??????!!!!!!" I asked (while screaming of course). "I told you not to turn your hair blonde!!!"

"I know. But Rachel and Laura told me to go for it. And looked what happened," Bianca said.

"Yeah. I see what happened. Do you want to fix it?"

(She shakes her head "yes" the way a five-year-old would--you know, with that whole pouty face deal going on).

"Ok, let's go to the store. Get your blonde ass in the car."

Of course, she dresses in disguise from head to toe, and looks like a hoodlum (haha). Ali (my other roommate and I) proceed to bust out in laughter, asking "what, are you gonna rob the store?? Are you gonna demand, 'Give me the money or I'll show you my hair!' ?"

Poor Bianca. We got the mess straightened out. And I'm kinda glad she did it, cause it gave me a great few hours of laughter.

So yeah, I have to work today. But it's been a good week. These are things I'll remember forever, you know? And I think Bianca learned her lesson--in that she should NEVER go blonde. haha.