
Give me music and the highway, please.

You know what song I've been overplaying recently? I may have mentioned this before, but let's mention it again. "Someone to Watch Over Me." I adorrrrrrrrre that song for it is so very gorgeous. The two best versions are by Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald.

And to my delight, a co-worker with a beautiful voice sang it for me the other night. And she did a dead-on job, too. I couldn't move while she sang. My world just stopped and I had to close my eyes while the most beautiful of sounds resonated the air around me.

I ♥ music. The same thing happens to me with pianos too. Any piano that I hear playing around me makes me freeze in my steps.

For both, there has to be passion behind each note...and sadly, there's not much music that has that these days. Don't get me wrong, I still love to get superficially lost in the lastest pop song or rock out to old Bon Jovi tunes.

But real music creates it own world, a golden world free of sadness and pain. Even if the song is painful, it elevates you another place--a place where your pain vanishes. That's the best music.

You know what else is on my mind? Traveling. I MUST travel soon or I will lose my head. Seeing as I am poor and cannot afford to go to Italy like I would love, I'll have to settle for driving somewhere.

My wonderful friend Jaclyn and I have been devising a plan to head out on the open road toward Yosemite. A camping trip with the most beautiful of surroundings! And I haven't been there before, either. I'm excited and I PRAY that it will happen.

If I don't travel this summer, I'm gonna rip out my hair. And to think--I know people that haven't even been out of Southern California. WHAT is wrong with those fools??????

Alright, I'm done rambling for today. Just thought I'd share what's on my mind. :)