Today sort of sucks. But it sort of doesn't as well.
You see, the wind is blowing ever-so-lightly outside, and yeah, the sunshine is out too. The beach is calling my name. And the beach is my lover, so I yearn for it.
But I have to work. Gotta make the dollar bills, yo.
And to the subject of Carlos...he sends me mixed signals. He'll avoid me sometimes, and also be attentive at the same time. If that makes sense. Maybe because I always hang out with him and his friends (and I adore his friends). He talks to his friends for the most part, but if I call his name, he'll then give me all the attention.
So my question is, does this mean that he's just too nervous to talk to me sometimes? Or does he just not like me? It confuses me. I know I'm dwelling on this, but contrary to what you might think, I'm not agonizing over it at all.
I'd be fine just being his friend if that's all that's there. But I just don't know what's going on! Why are boys so confusing??? Who knew you guys were so darn complicated??? Or is it that your not complicated at all and I'm making you more complicated than I should? AHHHH!
The thing is, I know what the answer to this question is...I'm just avoiding it. To find the real answer, I need to ask him. Comm-un-i-ca-tion. Doesn't it always come down to that?
Yeah, pretty much. This is just frustrating because all I want is a simple answer, but all I get is a tangle of answers I have to sort through.