
I just don't understand.

All he had to do was show that he cares, and all the feelings came back to life.

Why? Am I desperate or something?

I think I actually still like him, although I was trying to tell myself that I didn't. You can't persuade the heart to not feel something it wants to feel.

I just thought I was done here. So what's going on?

Yeah, I think too much. We've already established that. But I still think about him. I still like him.

**I understand that this post may be confusing, but I haven't been posting about my love life (or lack there of) cause I was completely confused by it. And now I am more confused. So look at that! We're all confused here.**


  1. You need that road trip. If for no other reason than to forget sweater boy for a few days and to check out the Rocky Mountain men!!

  2. If you really care about someone it wont go away right away. It takes a long time. People expect you to forget about your crushes because of nothing ever happening; well, that's the problem, see. Expectation never achieved. Always wondering "what if". What can you do?

    Sometimes it takes a long time to forget about those you love in a relationship. Sometimes it takes a long time to forget about those you wanted (longer than five months and 10 days, that's for sure).

    If you truly want to understand, then you have to put it into perspective, and pull the truth from him. Otherwise, you'll be right where I am; full of unanswered questions and longing.

  3. You'll figure it out Ashley, I'm sure of it! :-)

  4. ya....it is confusing

    i just pretended it was about me.


  5. And...ummm...yeppers...what????

  6. man. things are soooo confusing in the world of relationships. sometimes you just need to take a break and not think about it, as hard as that is.
