
The Rockies are callin' my name.

So remember I posted about wanting to take a trip REALLY badly?? Cause when I don't travel I feel like one of those stupid Americans that stay in their own little suburbia world and don't go anywhere?

Well Jaclyn (my partner in crime, and Rubio's excursions) and I decided that we should go to Colorado. No real reason why, excpet that it's not California, and it would be KICK ASS to leave the state.

Oh yeah, and Colorado is gorgeous like whoa.

There's just the small task of asking pops if I can borrow his car for the trip. Cause my '84 BMW would flip me the finger if I asked it to make that long trip. My Beamer is super touchy, and kind of a bitch sometimes, you know?

Yeah, so I don't know how to go about asking my dad to just give me his car. Must think of clever ways to go about it.

Unitl I figure it out, I'm excited. Yay for bad ass road trips (a 13-hour trip approximately)!!!